A mobility survey: why?
The Ministry of Mobility and Public Works (MMTP) is launching a major survey of the daily mobility of Luxembourg residents from 14 January 2025. This initiative is part of a wider framework of cross-border surveys, including one in northern Lorraine in France, the MID (Mobilität in Deutschland) survey in Germany, and a forthcoming survey in Belgium.
The data collected in this way will make it possible to:
- prepare the next national mobility plan (PNM) with up-to-date demand data;
- help decision-makers make informed choices;
- provide solutions to the travel problems encountered by the public;
- obtain an overall view of mobility behaviour over a very wide area;
- assess the impact of transport policies;
- improve understanding of changes in behaviour (COVID, teleworking, cycling, etc.);
- provide input for multimodal traffic models;
- provide input for environmental audits.
A mobility survey: how and what?
The survey method is based on a number of principles that enable the results to be compared over time and with neighbouring territories:
- selection of 7.860 residents, a representative sample of the population of Luxembourg;
- the survey will be conducted by ILRES exclusively by telephone;
- interviews with ILRES involve 1 or 2 members of the family, depending on the size of the household;
- the survey lasts around 20 minutes for the first person on the telephone, then 10 minutes for the second person, if available;
- the questionnaire covers journeys made the day before or on the last Saturday, and are described in great detail;
- the questions cover all travel modes: walking, public transport, two-wheelers, private cars, etc.
A mobility survey: important information
ILRES will never ask:
- your national registration number (matricule national);
- your bank details;
- your passwords;
- to visit you at home;
- to enter your personal details by clicking on a link via SMS or email;
- to make a payment.
What if I am contacted by ILRES?
If you are called, this is a unique opportunity to tell us about your mobility needs, so please give ILRES the warmest possible welcome.
We need your help.
A mobility survey: when?
January 2025 - June 2025:
- surveys carried out by the service provider ILRES.
From the end of 2025:
- communication of the first results.
A mobility survey: technical support
The MMTP, in its capacity as project manager for the survey, is assisted by two technical partners who are involved throughout the survey and who support the MMTP at every stage: design, preparation, survey follow-up, processing, etc.:
- CEREMA (Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement);
- LISER (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research).
A mobility survey: the information leaflet
Download the information leaflet for the interviewed below under "Pour en savoir plus".
Press contact
Loris Meyer
Phone: (+352) 247-83336
E-mail: communication@mmtp.etat.lu